Published On: November 20, 2023
5.1 min read

In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, providing top-notch customer support is crucial for success.

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One way to enhance your customer service while maintaining cost-efficiency is by outsourcing your phone support. In this blog, we’ll explore the various benefits of outsourcing phone support for your eCommerce business.

Cost Savings

Outsourcing phone support can significantly reduce your operational costs. When you run an eCommerce business, you’re already dealing with various expenses, such as marketing, inventory, and web development. Managing an in-house call center adds another layer of expenses. You’ll need to invest in physical infrastructure, purchase and maintain telecommunication equipment, hire and train support agents, and manage their salaries, benefits, and workspace. This not only increases your overhead costs but also demands a significant amount of time and resources.

On the other hand, outsourcing allows you to pay only for the services you use. You can work with a call center on a contract or per-minute basis, which is a much more cost-effective solution. This cost savings can be redirected towards other crucial aspects of your business, like marketing, expanding your product line, or improving your eCommerce platform.

24/7 Availability

Today’s eCommerce customers have come to expect 24/7 availability from the businesses they patronize. They shop at all hours, and they might have questions or concerns at any time of the day or night. An in-house support team may struggle to provide round-the-clock assistance, as it would require multiple shifts or overtime pay, which can be expensive and challenging to manage.

Outsourcing your phone support to a company with a global presence ensures that you can provide 24/7 customer assistance. They can allocate agents across different time zones, ensuring that someone is always available to handle customer inquiries. This not only meets customer expectations but also enhances your reputation and fosters customer loyalty.

Access to Expertise

Outsourced call centers specialize in providing customer support. They have well-trained and experienced agents who understand the nuances of handling customer inquiries and resolving issues efficiently. These agents are often proficient in the best practices for delivering exceptional customer service, such as active listening, problem-solving, and effective communication.

With this expertise at your disposal, customer inquiries are handled more swiftly and effectively. The agents can address a wide range of issues, from order inquiries to technical problems, with professionalism and efficiency. This not only reduces customer frustration but also enhances the overall quality of your customer service.


Ecommerce businesses often experience fluctuations in call volume, especially during peak seasons like Black Friday or the holiday shopping rush. Managing these fluctuations with an in-house team can be challenging and expensive. During slow periods, your agents may be underutilized, and during busy times, they may be overwhelmed.

Outsourcing your phone support allows you to scale up or down based on your needs. Your outsourcing partner can quickly allocate additional resources during peak periods, ensuring that you can handle the increased call traffic without overstretching your in-house resources. This scalability not only helps maintain service quality but also prevents the frustration of long hold times and delays during busy seasons.

Focus on Core Activities

When you outsource your phone support, you free up your in-house team to focus on core business activities. Your employees can concentrate on marketing strategies, product development, website improvements, and other essential functions without the constant interruption of phone inquiries. This focused attention on your core activities can lead to increased productivity and business growth.

Furthermore, your management can devote more time to strategical decision-making, ensuring that your eCommerce business is competitive and innovative in a fast-paced market. By outsourcing routine customer support tasks, you’re enabling your team to work on initiatives that drive your business forward. This can be a significant competitive advantage in the eCommerce industry.

Multilingual Support

If your eCommerce business serves an international customer base, multilingual support is essential. However, hiring and training in-house agents proficient in multiple languages can be complex and costly. Outsourcing phone support allows you to provide multilingual support with ease.

Many outsourcing partners have multilingual agents who can assist customers in their preferred languages. This capability enables you to cater to a broader audience, fostering brand expansion and customer acquisition in international markets. Providing customer support in customers’ native languages also enhances the overall customer experience, building trust and satisfaction.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Outsourced call centers are equipped with the latest technologies and best practices for providing excellent customer service. They often have access to advanced customer relationship management (CRM) systems, interactive voice response (IVR) systems, and analytics tools. These resources allow them to streamline the support process, reducing wait times and providing faster issue resolution.

Efficient technology, combined with well-trained agents, leads to improved customer satisfaction. Customers receive timely assistance, their issues are resolved quickly, and they experience a higher level of professionalism and courtesy. Satisfied customers are more likely to return to your eCommerce store, leave positive reviews, and recommend your brand to others, ultimately driving growth and profitability.

Enhanced Reporting and Analytics

In-house customer support operations may lack the necessary tools and expertise to track and analyze performance effectively. Outsourcing partners, on the other hand, often provide detailed reports and analytics about call performance, customer feedback, and issue resolution.

These insights are invaluable for identifying areas for improvement in your customer support strategy. You can identify common issues, recurring questions, and areas where customers express dissatisfaction. Armed with this data, you can make informed decisions to enhance your eCommerce business, from streamlining processes to improving product information or website usability.

In conclusion, outsourcing phone support for your eCommerce business is a strategic move that offers numerous benefits, including cost savings, 24/7 availability, access to expertise, scalability, the ability to focus on core activities, multilingual support, improved customer satisfaction, and enhanced reporting and analytics. When selecting an outsourcing partner, carefully assess their capabilities, experience, and cultural fit with your business to ensure that they can help you deliver top-notch customer service in the competitive eCommerce landscape.

Transform your eCommerce customer support with Purple Cow Services. Enjoy cost-effective, 24/7 multilingual support, and expertly trained agents. Scale seamlessly to meet demand, while freeing your team to focus on core activities. Enhance customer satisfaction, access insightful analytics, and save on operational costs. Unleash the power of Purple Cow Services for your eCommerce success!

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