Published On: May 28, 2023
Categories: Walmart
5 min read

If you are selling on Walmart Marketplace, then winning the Buy Box is crucial for your success. The Buy Box is the area on the right-hand side of a product page where customers can click to quickly add an item to their cart. If your product is not in the Buy Box, it's less likely to be purchased, and you'll lose sales to your competitors.

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But how does Walmart decide which seller gets the Buy Box? The answer is through their Buy Box algorithm. Understanding the Buy Box algorithm is essential to winning it and increasing your sales. In this blog, we’ll dive deep into Walmart’s Buy Box algorithm and provide you with tips to win it.

What is Walmart’s Buy Box Algorithm?

Walmart’s Buy Box algorithm is a complex system that determines which seller’s product will appear in the Buy Box. The algorithm takes into account a variety of factors, including price, availability, shipping speed, seller rating, and customer service metrics. Walmart’s goal is to provide its customers with the best shopping experience by showing them the most relevant, trustworthy, and affordable product options.

Factors that Affect the Buy Box

Let’s take a closer look at the factors that influence the Buy Box algorithm and how you can optimize each of them to increase your chances of winning it.


Price is a critical factor in the Buy Box algorithm. Walmart aims to offer its customers the lowest price possible while ensuring its sellers make a profit. If you want to win the Buy Box, you need to ensure that your price is competitive with other sellers offering the same or similar products.

However, keep in mind that price isn’t the only factor that Walmart considers. You can’t just lower your price and expect to win the Buy Box. Walmart also takes into account the other factors mentioned below.


Availability is another critical factor in the Buy Box algorithm. Walmart wants to ensure that its customers can find the products they want and purchase them quickly. Therefore, if your product is out of stock or has low inventory, it’s less likely to win the Buy Box.

To increase your chances of winning the Buy Box, ensure that you have enough inventory to meet customer demand. You can also consider using Walmart’s Fulfillment Services, which will take care of your inventory and shipping needs.

Shipping Speed

Walmart prioritizes products that offer fast and reliable shipping options. If your product has a longer delivery time than your competitors, it’s less likely to win the Buy Box.

To increase your chances of winning the Buy Box, offer fast and reliable shipping options. You can also consider using Walmart’s TwoDay Delivery program, which will give your products priority and help you win the Buy Box.

Seller Rating

Walmart wants to ensure that its customers have a positive shopping experience. Therefore, seller rating is an essential factor in the Buy Box algorithm. If your seller rating is low, it’s less likely that your product will win the Buy Box.

To increase your chances of winning the Buy Box, ensure that you have a high seller rating. Provide excellent customer service, respond to customer inquiries promptly, and resolve any issues quickly.

Customer Service Metrics

Customer service metrics, such as response time and order defect rate, are also essential factors in the Buy Box algorithm. Walmart wants to ensure that its customers receive the best customer service possible. If your customer service metrics are low, it’s less likely that your product will win the Buy Box.

To increase your chances of winning the Buy Box, ensure that you provide excellent customer service. Respond to customer inquiries promptly, provide accurate product descriptions, and address any issues quickly.

Tips to Win the Buy Box

Now that you understand the factors that influence the Buy Box algorithm let’s dive into some tips to help you win it.

Price competitively: As mentioned earlier, price is a critical factor in the Buy Box algorithm. Ensure that your price is competitive with other sellers offering the same or similar products.

Maintain high inventory levels: To increase your chances of winning the Buy Box, ensure that you have enough inventory to meet customer demand. Consider using Walmart’s Fulfillment Services to manage your inventory and shipping needs.

Offer fast and reliable shipping options: Shipping speed is an essential factor in the Buy Box algorithm. Offer fast and reliable shipping options to increase your chances of winning the Buy Box. Consider using Walmart’s TwoDay Delivery program for priority placement.

Provide excellent customer service: Customer service metrics, such as response time and order defect rate, are critical factors in the Buy Box algorithm. Provide excellent customer service to increase your chances of winning the Buy Box. Respond to customer inquiries promptly and address any issues quickly.

Maintain a high seller rating: Seller rating is an essential factor in the Buy Box algorithm. Ensure that you have a high seller rating by providing excellent customer service, responding to customer inquiries promptly, and resolving any issues quickly.

Optimize your product listings: Ensure that your product listings are accurate and descriptive. Include high-quality images, detailed product descriptions, and customer reviews. Optimize your product titles and keywords to make them easily discoverable by Walmart’s search algorithm.

Monitor your performance: Monitor your performance regularly and make adjustments as necessary. Keep an eye on your inventory levels, shipping speed, seller rating, and customer service metrics. Continuously improve your performance to increase your chances of winning the Buy Box.


Winning the Buy Box is crucial to your success on Walmart Marketplace. Understanding the Buy Box algorithm and optimizing the factors that influence it is essential to winning it and increasing your sales. Price, availability, shipping speed, seller rating, and customer service metrics are critical factors that you need to optimize to win the Buy Box. By following the tips mentioned in this blog, you can increase your chances of winning the Buy Box and achieving success on Walmart Marketplace.

Looking to win the Buy Box on Walmart Marketplace? Purple Cow’s expert insights and analysis on Walmart’s Buy Box algorithm will give you the edge you need to succeed. With our proven tips and strategies, you’ll increase your chances of winning the Buy Box, driving more sales, and growing your business. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stand out from the herd and dominate on Walmart Marketplace with our Walmart management services.

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