Published On: December 24, 2022
8.6 min read

Are you a brand owner looking to protect your intellectual property and improve your product listings on Amazon? Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 may be the solution you're looking for. In this blog post, we'll provide a comprehensive overview of Amazon Brand Registry 2.0, including its key features, benefits, and challenges. We'll also walk you through the process of enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 and offer some final thoughts on whether it's right for your brand.

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What is Amazon Brand Registry 2.0?

Amazon Brand Registry is a program offered by Amazon that allows brand owners to protect their intellectual property and improve their product listings on the platform. It provides tools and resources for brand owners to manage their brand and products on Amazon, including the ability to report and remove infringing listings, and the option to provide enhanced product information and images to improve the customer experience.

Introduction to Amazon Brand Registry 2.0

Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 is an updated version of the program that was introduced in 2017. It includes new features and enhancements designed to further improve brand protection and product listings on Amazon. Some of the key features of Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 include enhanced brand protection, improved search functionality, enhanced reporting and analytics, and greater access to advertising and promotional tools.

Why is Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 important for brand owners

For brand owners, Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 is important because it provides a way to protect their intellectual property and ensure that only authorized sellers are able to sell their products on Amazon. It also helps to improve the visibility and credibility of their products on the platform, which can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction. By enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0, brand owners can gain greater control over their brand’s presence on Amazon and improve the customer experience for their products.

Key features of Amazon Brand Registry 2.0

Enhanced brand protection

One of the main benefits of Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 is the enhanced brand protection it offers. This includes the ability to report and remove infringing listings, as well as the option to add additional brand-specific information and images to product listings to help customers identify and differentiate genuine products from counterfeit or infringing ones. Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 also provides access to the Amazon Intellectual Property Accelerator, which offers additional resources and support for brand owners to protect their intellectual property on the platform.

Improved search functionality

Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 includes improved search functionality that allows brand owners to more easily locate and monitor their products on the platform. This includes the ability to search for product listings using brand-specific keywords and the option to receive alerts for new product listings that match their brand criteria. This can help brand owners stay informed about the status of their products on Amazon and take action if necessary.

Enhanced reporting and analytics

Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 provides enhanced reporting and analytics tools to help brand owners track the performance of their products on the platform. This includes access to sales data and customer feedback, as well as the option to track the performance of advertising campaigns. This information can help brand owners understand their customers’ needs and preferences, and make informed decisions about their product listings and marketing strategies.

Greater access to advertising and promotional tools

Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 provides brand owners with greater access to advertising and promotional tools on the platform. This includes the option to run sponsored product and brand ads, as well as the ability to participate in Amazon’s Early Reviewer Program and Customer Reviews program. These tools can help brand owners improve the visibility and credibility of their products on Amazon, which can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

How to enroll in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0

To enroll in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0, brand owners must meet certain eligibility requirements and follow a specific enrollment process. Here are the steps to enroll in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0:

Eligibility requirements

The first step to enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 is to make sure that you and your brand meet the eligibility requirements. To be eligible, you must be the brand owner or authorized agent and have a registered trademark in any country. Your trademark must also be active, registered, and in good standing. If you are not sure if you are eligible, you can check your brand’s eligibility by visiting the Amazon Brand Registry page and following the instructions.

Steps for enrollment

  1. Gather required documents: To enroll in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0, you will need to provide certain documents to Amazon as part of the enrollment process. These may include a copy of your trademark registration certificate, a list of your products, and any additional documents or information required by Amazon. Be sure to have these documents ready before you start the enrollment process.
  2. Enroll online: Once you have gathered the required documents, you can enroll in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 by visiting the Amazon Brand Registry page and following the instructions. You will need to provide your brand information, trademark information, and any required documents as part of the enrollment process. Amazon will review your application and, if approved, will provide you with access to the Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 dashboard.
  3. Set up your account: After your enrollment is approved, you will need to set up your Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 account. This may include adding additional users, setting up your payment information, and customizing your account settings. Be sure to follow the instructions provided by Amazon to properly set up your account.
  4. Start using Amazon Brand Registry 2.0: Once your account is set up, you can start using Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 to manage your brand and products on Amazon. This may include adding or updating product listings, reporting infringing listings, and using the various tools and resources available to you through the program.

Benefits of enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0

There are several benefits to enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 as a brand owner:

Improved brand protection

One of the main benefits of Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 is the enhanced brand protection it offers. This includes the ability to report and remove infringing listings, as well as the option to add additional brand-specific information and images to product listings to help customers identify and differentiate genuine products from counterfeit or infringing ones. Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 also provides access to the Amazon Intellectual Property Accelerator, which offers additional resources and support for brand owners to protect their intellectual property on the platform. By enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0, brand owners can proactively protect their brand and products on Amazon and ensure that only authorized sellers are able to sell their products on the platform.

Enhanced product listings

Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 provides brand owners with the ability to add enhanced product information and images to their product listings. This includes the option to add additional images, videos, and other multimedia content to their listings, as well as the ability to provide detailed product descriptions and bullet points. By providing enhanced product information and images, brand owners can improve the customer experience for their products on Amazon and increase the chances of making a sale.

Increased sales

By enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 and taking advantage of the various tools and resources it offers, brand owners can improve the visibility and credibility of their products on Amazon. This can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction. Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 also provides access to advertising and promotional tools, such as sponsored product and brand ads, which can help brand owners reach a wider audience and drive more sales.

Greater control over the customer experience

By enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0, brand owners can gain greater control over the customer experience for their products on Amazon. This includes the ability to respond to customer reviews and feedback, as well as the option to participate in Amazon’s Early Reviewer Program and Customer Reviews program. By actively managing their brand and products on Amazon, brand owners can ensure that their products are presented in the best possible light and that customer needs and concerns are addressed promptly.

Challenges and limitations of Amazon Brand Registry 2.0

Limited to certain product categories

Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 is currently only available for certain product categories, including apparel, automotive, baby, beauty, collectibles, electronics, home and kitchen, jewelry, and sports. If your brand sells products in a different category, you may not be eligible for Amazon Brand Registry 2.0.

Enrollment fees

While Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 is generally free to enroll in, there are some fees associated with the program. For example, brand owners may be required to pay a fee to register their trademark with Amazon, as well as fees for certain services and tools offered through the program. Be sure to review the fees associated with Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 before enrolling to ensure that it is a viable option for your brand.

Ongoing maintenance and management required

Enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 is just the first step. To fully take advantage of the program and ensure that your brand and products are properly protected on Amazon, you will need to actively maintain and manage your account. This may include regularly updating product listings, responding to customer feedback, and monitoring for infringing listings. While Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 provides tools and resources to help with these tasks, brand owners will need to allocate time and resources to properly manage their account.


In conclusion, Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 is a program designed to protect brand owners’ intellectual property and improve their product listings on Amazon. It offers a range of features and tools, including enhanced brand protection, improved search functionality, enhanced reporting and analytics, and greater access to advertising and promotional tools. To enroll in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0, brand owners must meet certain eligibility requirements and follow a specific enrollment process. Some of the benefits of enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 include improved brand protection, enhanced product listings, increased sales, and greater control over the customer experience. However, there are also some challenges and limitations to consider, including the fact that Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 is currently only available for certain product categories, there are enrollment fees associated with the program, and ongoing maintenance and management is required.

Overall, the value of Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 will depend on the specific needs and goals of each brand. For brand owners who are looking to protect their intellectual property and improve their product listings on Amazon, Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 may be a valuable resource. By enrolling in the program and taking advantage of its various tools and resources, brand owners can improve the visibility and credibility of their products on the platform and drive more sales. However, it is important to carefully consider the challenges and limitations of Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 before enrolling and to allocate the necessary time and resources to properly manage and maintain the account.

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